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8 Signs You’re a Beauty Goal Digger

Every day you have the opportunity to show yourself love, compassion, discipline, and to be a good steward of the skin you’re in. Being a beauty goal digger is like giving yourself a big hug every day.  You know it when you see it: that quiet confidence some people have without having to hide behind a layer of makeup.  That person interacts with the world authentically with a big smile on their face regardless of what they’re wearing.

Goal-oriented daily discipline is one of the highest forms of healthy self-love.  While being a beauty goal digger may conjure up a negative image of a vain person, what if we were to talk about a fitness goal digger?  That doesn’t sound so bad now does it? Fitness goal diggers are effervescent with a healthy dose of self-love as they go about their day achieving their discipline-oriented fitness goals.  Case in point, beauty goal diggers are equally effervescent with a healthy dose of self-love as they take care of the skin they’re in.  With that being said, here are 8 signs you’re a beauty goal digger.

9 Ways To Become a Beauty Goal Digger

8 Signs You’re a Beauty Goal Digger

1. You Know Who You Are. Your quiet confidence keeps you from chasing the fads.  Your inner compass never lets you down.  Once you know how this feels, you will spend the rest of your life striving to keep this feeling. When you know who you are, you are motivated to remain in a state of well-being because this knowledge is the foundation of who you are.  Some people only find this quiet confidence at 40.  When you discover who you are, you will have a quiet confidence and you will know what is best for you.

2. You Know What Works For You. You take note of what you have done to date, both positive and negative.  You like to stick with the things that have built your positive self-image and continue to practice them. You are conscious of what didn’t work for you and you avoid repeating the same patterns.  For example, if you have worn sunscreen all your life, you give yourself a pat on the back.  On the other hand, if you have not used sunscreen, you will likely reflect on this mistake and decide to start wearing sunscreen to prevent further UV damage to your skin.  You will likely take it one step further and get a Photofacial to reverse the UV damage, buy a large brimmed hat, and start covering up with long-sleeved linen shirts when you go outside.

3. You Know You’re Only Human. No one can be happy with their looks all the time.  Sometimes, the skin you’re in can make you extremely uncomfortable. For example, if you are having a rough time with acne, you are honest with yourself and know your emotions are natural and that your skin is responding to something in your life that needs to be changed.  You are strong enough to face whatever is in your way and you can handle it. You set up an action plan using diet, exercise, research acne targeting skincare products, and schedule BBL Laser Therapy treatments to eliminate your acne.  By taking action, you feel so much better.  And you know it’s only a matter of time before your skin looks better too.

4. You Are Okay With Experimenting. You are not afraid to try new things.  When you play with your look you find a feeling of accomplishment, especially when you drop a decade before going out for that big job interview or date.  When you found yourself in a funk wearing the same hairstyle and makeup, you knew it was time to make a change.  It’s like the time when you realised your long hair was becoming a security blanket.  You invested some quality time and money with a hair stylist who gave you a sexy, sophisticated new look that suits your lifestyle, life stage, and personality.

5. You Reward Yourself.  As you grow young, you celebrate what you do well.  This opens the door for you to achieve new things. You know rewards are great for internal motivation and are a catalyst to bigger and better things.  For example, when you follow your anti-inflammatory diet successfully, your skin looks great.  This is a reward that can take weeks to reveal itself.  But you know it’s worth it.  You celebrate your clear glowing skin with a facial, laser hair removal treatment, or eyelash extensions.

6. You Know The Power of Perseverance. Perseverance helps you with the exploration of beauty treatments and shows you the value of your commitment and passion.  For example, when you purchase a package of eMatrix treatments, it can take up to 4 treatments over a period of several months to see the results.  Initially, your skin will look like it has a bad sunburn.  But in the end, you know it will be worth it when your new skin looks and feels beautifully rejuvenated.

7. Home is Your Haven. There will be times you need to retreat into the comfort of your home where you feel safe to be vulnerable in between times of venturing out into the unknown. Home is where you can recover from any procedures you have had.  Take that downtime to restore, and to get centered and grounded for what lies ahead.   When you emerge from your cocoon, you will be well-rested, de-stressed, and ready to be the best person you can be.

8. You Keep A Beauty Wish List. To develop better self-love, motivation, and confidence you’ve learned to love the skin you’re in. By preparing a beauty wish list, and then checking the treatments and products off your beauty wish list, you find a sense of accomplishment and reward because of the action and responsibility you choose to take.

If you’re a beauty goal digger, you know this pursuit requires time and attention. You can buy many things, but you can never have too much love, compassion, and discipline.  You know that with healthy self-love, you work harder, interact more confidently and authentically with others, and live a rich goal-oriented life.

Moreover, you never find yourself in a panic looking for that quick fix for an easy way out of an uncomfortable skin situation.  You are not susceptible to wasting your time and money on gimmicks and beauty products that don’t work.  Rather, you spend your time and effort on preventative regimens that are proven to work.  Most likely, you have a well-worn path to your local med spa!

If you have only now just realised you are a beauty goal digger, we welcome you to the club!   If self-love, compassion, and discipline are what motivate you in your quest for anti-aging and preventative skincare, you have come to the right place!  For the cost of one treatment at other luxury spas, you can knock two or three treatments off your beauty wish list at National Laser Institute Med Spa.  We are the premier anti-aging academy in North America, training physicians and nurses from all over the world in revolutionary medical aesthetic technologies.  You can trust our certified physicians, nurses, aestheticians, and laser technicians to create your dream results using the Gold Standard in innovative aesthetic techniques.

We invite you to visit our anti-aging academy for deeply discounted rates on treatments or receive your treatment in our med spa by the experts that teach doctors, nurses, and laser technicians privately. Call 800.982.6817 or click here and receive a free no obligation consultation with one of our skincare experts.