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Honolulu Ban Sparks Already Hot Tattoo Removal Frenzy

News of tattoo bans for Honolulu Police Officers has stirred a heated controversy that is spreading to the mainland.  How acceptable are tattoos in the workplace? Do we have a right to flaunt ink? Can an employer require that you cover up tattoos?

Many locals are not waiting for a legal ruling. Residents in here in Phoenix (and around the country) are removing tattoos in visible areas so they can gain better employment. 

“We get calls everyday from people who are going on interviews and want to remove their tattoos,” said Ashlee Penix, Client Services Manager at National Laser Institute, a medical-aesthetics training center with locations in Scottsdale and Dallas.

National Laser Institute is one of the largest tattoo removal centers in the country. Apparently, what people thought was cool when they were younger may not go over well with a new employer.

The ban in Hawaii is only one story that is encouraging people of all ages to remove their tattoos. Some statistics state that as many as one third of Americans between the ages of 25-40 sport tattoos, and a significant number of them want at least one of them removed.

“People remove tattoos for all kinds of reasons,” states Louis Silberman, CEO and Founder of National Laser Institute. “Some want to hide them from an employer, but did you know the number one reason we hear that people want to remove tattoos? So they can put on a different one in its place. We will wait for courts to decide on whether an employer can require tattoos to not be visible. The good news is that regardless of a person’s political leaning or views on tattoos, a safe and effective alternative does exist to remove them with lasers.”