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Injectable Kybella Treatments in Scottsdale

Scottsdale injectable kybella treatmentsHave you struggled with your side profile? Are you wondering how it seems like overnight a double chin just… appeared? The stubborn area of submental fat, or double chin, is a problem area for many and even more problematic to get rid of. Formed by a layer of fat, the double chin is common and not only present with weight gain. Aging, skin elasticity, and genetics play a large role in how our skin transforms over the years. In other words, a double chin could be inevitable. If this sounds like you, Kybella treatments in Scottsdale is your solution.

What is Kybella?

Kybella is an injectable treatment made from a natural substance already produced in the body, deoxycholic acid, which helps the body burn fat. In addition, Kybella is non-invasive, non-surgical, and requires little to no downtime offered to both men and women.

Why Kybella?

Scottsdale Kybella treatments are a non-surgical, non-invasive treatment option to give results that not too long ago, were only achieved by getting liposuction surgery. Kybella is FDA approved and provides permanent results, with no surgery and no anesthesia necessary. You can get rid of your stubborn double chin fat and replace it with younger, firmer-looking skin with a series of Kybella injections in our Scottsdale office.

How Does Kybella Work?

By injecting Kybella into the body, you’re killing fat cells at the spot of injection and decreasing the appearance of the fat over a series of treatments. Some will need multiple injection treatments, whereas some will achieve their desired results in as little as one appointment. Typical sessions include anywhere from 20-50 injections and as everything with cosmetic procedures, results vary from person to person. The quick in-office appointment doesn’t require any special preparation beforehand and the injection time typically lasts under twenty minutes.

Common Side Effects of Kybella Treatment

Serious side effects are possible with any cosmetic medical procedure. Minor side effects from Kybella typically last up to two weeks and downtime after Kybella treatments vary with each person.

  • Swelling
  • Numbness
  • Pain, bruising and redness at the injection site

Serious side effects are very rare but can include:

  • Nerve Injury in the Jaw
  • Trouble Swallowing
  • Tissue cell-death at the injection site

In addition, it is still unclear how Kybella treatments affect someone pregnant or nursing and always important to discuss your medical history with your service provider. Interested in learning more about Kybella treatments in Scottsdale or other aesthetic medical procedures? We offer your choice of virtual consultations from the comfort of your home or in-person complimentary consults. Click here to schedule yours!