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July Specials

July Specials

PRP Feminine Rejuvenation Shot

The PRP Feminine Rejuvenation Shot is one of the top female treatments in the medical aesthetics industry today. This Feminine Rejuvenation Shot naturally regenerates, tones, and tightens feminine tissue. The PRP is made from your own blood cells, so there are no negative side effects. Results are long-lasting and you can wait up to six to eight months to get an additional treatment if needed.

Our PRP Feminine Rejuvenation Shot is a quick and relatively painless procedure. Furthermore, it requires no post-procedure care or downtime. This PRP shot generates new collagen when injected into feminine intimate areas. Naturally rejuvenate, tone, and tighten your intimate tissues with this new, ground-breaking collagen growth treatment. Save $301 on this life-changing procedure with our amazing July Specials.

Profractional Skin Rejuvenation

Profractional Skin Rejuvenation works by resurfacing a portion of your skin while the surrounding tissue is left intact. This technique is to promote a more rapid recovery rate as well as provide more dramatic results. With state-of-the-art technology, we are able to precisely target specific problem areas, as opposed to treating the entire surface area, which may not need it. In addition, the laser resurfacing process creates a natural wound healing response within your body. This encourages and assists in the firming and regenerating of your skin.


  • Lessens wrinkles
  • Softens scars
  • Reduces brown spots
  • Tightens skin
  • Diminishes sun damage
  • Minimal downtime

This July Special may also provide boosted results when paired with other services as well, such as Microlaser peels, Broad Band Light Therapy, and other medical aesthetic treatments. Although, performed alone the benefits are still noteworthy. Save $200 when booking this anti-aging treatment this month only.

Microneedling Buy 2 Get 1 FREE

Microneedling is a minimally invasive collagen induction therapy that treats an array of skin blemishes such as scarring, stretch marks, and skin laxity. Using a micropen that contains fine needles, thousands of micro-channels are created across your skin. These channels are known as a controlled injury, which stimulates healing and will assist in the overall appearance of your complexion.

Microneedling treats skin concerns via collagen induction therapy. This non-surgical and non-ablative procedure for facial rejuvenation will leave your skin looking and feeling beautiful. Microneedling also treats blemishes from acne scars to sagging and wrinkled skin. The number of treatments needed depends on the current condition of your skin as well as your goals. The results improve over time and three or four treatments are usually recommended. Save $299 and receive three Microneedling sessions for the cost of two.

Our Facility

Schedule your appointment as well as your complimentary consultation at The National Laser Institute and Med Spa. Call 480-290-7333 or click here to get started on these July Specials. Ask how you can become one of our Beauty Insiders to receive additional promotions, deals, and insider news. Our gold standard medical aesthetic facility and dream team are ready to help you achieve the confidence you have always wanted. From smoother skin to a more youthful appearance, we are here to help you!