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Acne Photofacial Dallas

Acne is one of the most common skin problems in the United States. Acne is usually associated with teenagers, especially when they are going through hormonal changes. Teenage girls will typically experience breakouts between 14-17 while boys will experience the worst between 16-19. However, it’s not just teenagers who get acne, but also adults. In fact, 50% of adult women and 25% of adult men have acne. But no matter how old you are, acne is still annoying, embarrassing, and doesn’t do wonders for your confidence.

Thanks to cosmetic laser technology, acne photofacials have been a huge success. The Sciton BBL (BroadBand Light) laser is capable of killing acne causing bacteria deep within the skin, preventing active and future breakouts while helping clear up those annoying pimple scars. National Laser Institute is proud to introduce this treatment within their luxury medical spa for clients suffering from acne.

BBL Acne Photofacials

The BBL acne photofacial differs from typical photofacials in very important ways. For one, the BBL acne treatment uses a blue light treatment that kills acne-causing bacteria within the skin. The overall BBL cosmetic laser treatment provides photothermal energy directly to the layers of your skin, helping stimulate collagen production while killing the bacteria that causes acne and reducing the amount of redness on the skin. The BBL acne photofacial is perfect for those suffering with mild pimples, moderate acne, and cystic breakouts as well as those who have reddish or brownish acne scarring.

What BBL Acne Photofacials Treat

• Bacteria that causes acne, pimples, cystic acne, breakouts, etc.

• Pigment scarring from acne scars

• Redness within the skin that could be caused from acne

• Rosacea and sun damage

• Age spots, sun spots, and freckles

• Large pores and excess oil

• Fine lines and wrinkles and overall tone and texture

Acne Photofacials Dallas

National Laser Institute is the proud leader in the cosmetic laser industry and offers state-of-the-art acne photofacials in Dallas. Clients will receive treatment from a professional laser technician within our luxury medical spa setting. Our professional laser techs will discuss your skin concerns and goals in detail with you in order to provide you with the best possible treatment and treatment plan. We have earned an A+ rating from the BBB as well as many outstanding reviews.

To learn more about acne photofacials Dallas locations or BBL laser acne treatments, please call 800.574.8377.