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Get Better With Age Naturally

Is it possible to get better with age? An article in the Huffington Post titled 5 Ways Your Body Actually Gets Better With Age starts out by saying “Relax. It’s not all downhill after 50.” This got me thinking about how the idea of aging like a fine wine is appealing, and true in so many ways, especially since I just turned 50. Our minds can get better with age as we grow older and wiser. But what about our skin: can that get better with age, too?

Get Better With Age

Get Better With Age Naturally

In the past people had to settle for sagging skin and wrinkles. And if they wanted to look as good as they felt, the only option was a facelift which made their face appear frozen and unnatural. But today, the medical aesthetics industry has come a long way. Now we can look naturally youthful by plumping hollows and smoothing wrinkles with acids and other substances that naturally occur within the human body.

Substances like Hyaluronic Acid, Platelet Rich Plasma, Deoxycholic Acid, HCG, and BHRT are equivalent to the fountain of youth – and they all naturally occur within the human body. 

When a substance is naturally produced by the human body, the risks of allergic reaction is diminished.  Other benefits include a naturally youthful result.  Continue reading as we show you how you can get better with age naturally at the National Laser Institute Med Spa with natural FDA approved treatments.

Hyaluronic Acid (Dermal Fillers)

Hyaluronic acid (HA) already occurs in your body but declines as we age. Hyaluronic Acid is the primary dermal filler we offer here at the National Laser Institute Med Spa. Popular dermal filler brands we offer include Restylane®, Perlane®, Radiesse®, Juvederm Ultra™ & Ultra Plus™, and Voluma XC™.

Benefit: Dermal fillers are highly effective cosmetic treatments used in the medical aesthetics industry. A dermal filler injection is a pharmaceutical grade liquid or gel material injected beneath the skin to get rid of laugh lines and nasolabial folds, fill deep frown lines, erase crow’s feet, raise drooping eyebrows, eliminate deep forehead creases, plump thin lips, correct facial asymmetries, and more.

What It Feels Like: Your skin will be numbed with a numbing cream prior to your injection. At the beginning of the procedure, you may feel a pinch and then it may sting as the filler is being injected. Afterward, our doctor or nurse injector will gently massage the injection site, ice the injection site for 10 minutes, and then let you go about your day.

How Long It Takes: Hyaluronic Acid dermal filler results are instant. Your appointment can take 20 minutes or more depending on how many areas and the amount of volume you are having injected.

Downtime:  Some slight bruising and bleeding at the site of injection is normal and to be expected. Even the best injectors in the country can give a client a bruise or temporary bumps with any of the cosmetic injectables. By avoiding the following blood thinners before your treatment you can diminish bruising and bleeding:

  • Aspirin
  • Excedrin
  • Ibuprofen (Motrin, Aleve, Advil)
  • St. John’s Wart
  • Omega 3 fatty acids
  • Vitamin E
  • Ginko Bilboa
  • Ginseng

Results: Results last between 4 months and 2 years depending on the dermal filler you get. Because Hyaluronic Acid is not permanent, we can inject an eraser enzyme called hyaluronidase. The enzyme will dissolve the filler in five minutes if you’re unhappy with the initial results.

Deoxycholic Acid (Kybella)

Benefit: FDA-approved Kybella cosmetic injections dissolves the fat under your chin and is identical to a naturally occurring substance in your body called deoxycholic acid, which supports fat absorption. No surgery is needed.

What It Feels Like: These are injections in your chin area.Your skin will be numbed with a numbing cream prior to your injections. At the beginning of the procedure, you may feel a pinch and then it may sting as the Kybella is being injected. Afterward, our doctor or nurse injector will ice the injection site for 10 minutes, and then let you go about your day.

How Long It Takes: The injections take about 15-20 minutes on average depending on how many are needed for the desired outcome.

Downtime: Recovery after Kybella treatment is much quicker and easier than after the alternative, liposuction. You may have some swelling.  

Results: When Kybella is injected, it causes lysis and destroys the cell membrane. The fat cell then releases its fatty contents and the body metabolizes the fatty contents.  You can expect some inflammation and tenderness for a few days after the injections.  Because it’s not an invasive procedure, your recovery will be quicker than liposuction. At about a month after the procedure, most people have a definite reduction in fat in the treated area.  This continues to improve over the next 3-5 months.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Benefit: Platelet Rich Plasma already occurs in your body, and we use it here at the National Laser Institute Med Spa to boost dermal fillers, Microneedling treatments, and to treat areas of the skin that need rejuvenation. Our favorite PRP treatment is as an add-on to a Microneedling treatment.

What It Feels Like: Depending on whether you have it injected or spread over your skin, PRP will feel the same as our other dermal filler injections or topical treatments.

How Long It Takes: Prior to using your own PRP for treatment, we must draw a small amount of your blood and place it in a centrifuge to separate the PRP. When we apply PRP to your skin after a Microneedling treatment, your skin will be able to absorb the nutrients by 3000% more during the hour after your treatment.

Downtime: For a day or two you may experience some redness and inflammation on the treatment area. But the side effects are so mild, this treatment is considered to have no downtime.

Results: Your skin will thicken to reduce the look of broken capillaries.  Your skin tone will be evened out and hyperpigmentation will be diminished.  Fine lines and wrinkles and any crepey texture will also be smoothed. The firmness of your skin will increase and the appearance of stretch marks and acne scars will be reduced. Generally, 3 to 6 treatments over one year are a good starting point and then have touch ups once or twice a year after that.

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)

Benefit: This all natural weight loss program helps you lose weight fast in stubborn areas like hips and stomach. Many of our clients have successfully dropped 20-30 pounds on our medically supervised HCG Diet. HCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin.  It’s approved by the FDA to treat infertility in both men and women. But it is also used off-label for successful weight-loss.  

What It Feels Like: HCG is a potent appetite suppressant and helps you lose fat while preserving muscle.  The daily regimen involves one HCG injection and consuming 500 calories. Nutrition from organic meats, vegetables, and fish is recommended, while dairy, carbs, alcohol, and sugar should be avoided.

How Long It Takes: On average it takes up to 6 weeks.

Downtime: There is no downtime.

Results: You can lose up to 1-2 pounds per day for up to 6 weeks. If after 6 weeks, you still have weight to lose, a 6-week break is required to stop your body from becoming “hCG-immune”.  Once you have achieved your goal weight, you will complete the diet with 3 weeks of “stabilization” by consuming higher calories without any sugar or starch.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)

Benefit: Corrects hormone imbalance and helps you feel good again. Bioidentical hormone pellets are preferred over synthetic hormones because they offer the identical physiologic activity as the hormones they are intended to replace. BHRT is formulated to match hormonal deficiencies based on bloodwork. By dealing with the cause of the weight gain and balancing hormone levels you can ultimately alleviate the undesirable symptom of weight gain. The side effects of BHRT can include weight loss, effective weight maintenance, improved energy, mood, libido, sleep quality and memory, and diminished fibrocystic breast tissue.  

What It Feels Like: The pellet injection does not hurt because you will be numbed 30 minutes prior to your treatment.

How Long It Takes: Once we have your blood work labs in hand, the pellet injection treatment only takes about 20 minutes perform.

Downtime: There is no downtime.

Results: Every client is different – it won’t happen overnight, and the results evolve over time. It takes some time to lose balance of your hormones, so it will take some time for your body to recover. Pellets last between 3 and 5 months, depending on the rate at which your body metabolizes the pellet.

Hyaluronic Acid, Platelet Rich Plasma, Deoxycholic Acid, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, and Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy are equivalent to the fountain of youth – and they are all available at the National Laser Institute Med Spa!

I would like to personally invite you to get better with age naturally at National Laser Institute Med Spa, the premier anti-aging academy in the country. You can trust our dream team to provide you with the Gold Standard in innovative aesthetic techniques so you can achieve your dream results. We have locations in Dallas, Texas and Scottsdale, Arizona. Reserve your appointment now and call us at 800-982-6817 or click here for your complimentary anti aging consultation so you can get better with age naturally.