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Gossip Central: Molly Sims

Molly Sims uses Botox and Laser Treatments to improve her looks!

We all go through an ugly duckling stage but its hard to believe one of the most beautiful women in the world, Victoria Secret and Sports Illustrated super model Molly Simms, was no exception! She says she wasn’t born beautiful and that she studied her way to becoming a super model. Molly Simms learned how to make the most of her assets and even fessed up to getting regular laser treatments and Botox injections!

Molly Sims

Left: Molly Sims in her teen years Right: Molly Sims after Botox and Laser Treatments (Photos from Yahoo Beauty)

Here at the National Laser Institute Gossip Central, we have all the secrets to get you looking like a super model in no time!  For more information on laser treatments and Botox call 800.982.6817 or stop into one of our Med Spas located in Scottsdale, Dallas, Denver, Boston, Chicago, and Philadelphia.