Scottsdale Age Spots Fix
Scottsdale age spots are a right of passage all Scottsdalians must endure. No matter what your age, if you live in Scottsdale age spots are something you are probably used to seeing on your skin. These big patchy age spots are caused by UV damage from the sun. Since it’s sunny in Scottsdale 299 days a year we see a lot of Scottsdale age spots victims looking for a remedy. After all, who wants to cake on makeup when it’s 115 degrees outside? At the National Laser Institute Med Spa, we have the perfect solution for Scottsdale age spots. It’s called Intense Pulsed Light, or IPL Photofacials.

Scottsdale Age Spots Fix
Scottsdale Age Spots Fix
IPL is the key to attaining blemish-free, flawless skin. One of our favorite benefits of IPL is this treatment addresses surface damage as well as damage below the skin that hasn’t even come to the surface yet! Photofacials use IPL technology as a magnet for brown and red melanin. Once the laser identifies the pigment, it pulls it up and out of the skin. The result ends in a blemish and spot-free complexion.
We love Photofacials because of the lack of downtime. Commonly referred to as a lunch-time treatment, you can go back to work with no side effects. Two to three days after the treatment, the pigment in your skin will flake off and have a peppering effect. The dark spots will take on the look of coffee grounds, and flake off naturally.
Three to six treatments are typically recommended for a full correction. Photofacials typically provide instant gratification. After the dark spots pepper and flake off, they’re gone. However, we always recommend a series of treatments because some pigmentation is more rooted in the deeper layers of the skin than others. If after your first treatment it looks like more dark spots have appeared, don’t panic. This can be quite common and is usually from pigmentation that was below the surface (which would have popped up eventually) being pulled out by the treatment.
Tired of caking on makeup to cover up those Scottsdale age spots? At the National Laser Institute Med Spa, we have the perfect solution for Scottsdale age spots. Simply call us at 800-982-6817 or click here to schedule your IPL complimentary consultation online.