Defy Your Age With Dysport Injections
FDA Approved Dysport is often compared with Botox because it’s also a form of botulinum toxin injected into the skin to temporarily relax muscles that cause unwanted folds and wrinkles. Dysport allows you to defy your age with virtually instant results and no downtime. Some of our clients feel it is longer lasting, quicker to take effect, and less expensive than Botox.

Defy Your Age With Dysport Injections
The muscles in our face create our expressions – but the side effects are fine lines, wrinkles, and folds. With Dysport, we can soften smile lines, frown lines, crow’s feet, forehead creases, as well as raise drooping eyebrows, and correct facial asymmetries. The result is a more rested appearance that your friends and family will not be able to tell what could possibly be making you look so refreshed.
When you come into National Laser Institute Med Spa for your Dysport injections, you will feel virtually instant results and will see a noticeable difference in 7-10 days. When Dysport is injected, the nerves that control facial expression are subdued which allows the muscles to relax for up to 4 months.
National Laser Institute is the premier anti aging academy in North America. We train physicians and nurses from all over the world in revolutionary medical aesthetic technologies including laser, IPL, and cosmetic injectable treatments. You can trust our certified physicians, nurses, aestheticians and laser technicians to create your dream results using the Gold Standard in innovative aesthetic techniques.
At National Laser Institute Med Spa, Dysport is priced at only $3.75 per unit. Please call 800-982-6817 or click here for your complimentary consultation with one of our anti aging experts.