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Laser Hair Removal Dallas Loves!

Plucking, waxing and shaving? Stop wasting your time. Why constantly try to remove stubborn unwanted hair when it can be a thing of the past with laser hair removal? We’ll show you how it works, who is a good candidate, and how many treatments it takes to get baby smooth skin with laser hair removal Dallas loves.

As we approach the winter months, the weather is changing and we are cuddling up in warm sweaters and boots. This is a season of reflection and looking within and to take some time for yourself.  

There’s an old saying, “When you look good, you feel good”. Take exercise, for example. It is great for toning your body and boosting your mood. While the opposite is true: when you are dissatisfied with an aspect of your body – you will not feel good about it. Taking some time out of your day for a laser hair removal treatment could go a long way to help you feel great!

Fall is the perfect time of year to rejuvenate and get laser hair removal treatments. In fact, the fall and winter months are the best time to get light-based procedures because laser hair removal is best done when your skin is pale, and not tan from the sun.

“We can not perform laser hair removal procedures on sun-tanned skin because the laser can’t differentiate between pigment in the skin and a pigment in a hair follicle, so pale skin with dark hair is best. The laser picks up the pigment in the follicle,” says Kellie Jones, Instructor at the National Laser Institute.

Laser Hair Removal Dallas


Laser Hair Removal Dallas Loves!

With laser hair removal you can expect to have far fewer hairs in the treated area, and what remains will be finer, less noticeable and possibly a lighter color. Since the laser beam targets only the hair, effects to surrounding skin are minimal. You may have some redness or slight swelling that lasts a few days. After your treatment, be sure to wear sunscreen and avoid the sun.

The average number of treatments needed are six laser treatments, approximately once a month, to achieve the best results. Any regrowth can be treated in a quick touch-up session.

Laser hair removal works well for men and women who want to avoid plucking, waxing and shaving. Unconventional areas that we see more and more clients requesting include removing unwanted facial hair on women, which can occur with aging, certain medications and some medical conditions. Men are wanting to remove hair from their shoulders, back and neck. Another trend men are asking for is laser hair removal on their face to avoid daily razor burn.

Plucking, waxing and shaving? Why constantly try to remove stubborn unwanted hair when it can be a thing of the past with laser hair removal? As the cooler weather approaches and the seasons change, make a change in your schedule and take some time for yourself by taking plucking, waxing and shaving out of the equation. Now you can look and feel good with the laser hair removal Dallas loves at the National Laser Institute Med Spa!

Come in to the National Laser Institute Med Spa for your free consultation.  Call 800-982-6817 or click here and our laser hair removal Dallas experts will get you scheduled!