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Nonsurgical Alternative to Reduce Your Chin Fat

Kybella is a Nonsurgical Alternative To Reduce Your Chin Fat

Nonsurgical Alternative To Reduce Your Chin Fat

Have you ever wished that the fat beneath your chin would just go away? Well, now there is a nonsurgical solution to get rid of your double chin and help you regain confidence in your facial profile. Achieve that smooth, defined chin at our state-of-the-art medical spa with Kybella!

Kybella is a nonsurgical treatment that reduces moderate to severe fat beneath the chin. The injection is a synthetic version of a molecule that naturally occurs in the body and assists in the breakdown and digestion of fat.

If you’re looking for a nonsurgical alternative to reduce your chin fat, it’s time to consider a Kybella treatment. Here is everything you need to know about this unique anti-aging treatment.

Double Chin Causes

A double chin (submental fullness) is caused by an extra layer of fat the develops below the chin. Several factors in the body create a double chin:

  • Age. As the body ages, the skin will start to lose its elasticity and can lead to the appearance of saggy skin that may contribute to the presence of a double chin.
  • Diet and weight. Your weight can contribute to the cause of a double chin; however, this is not always the cause. A diet high in processed food and unhealthy fat has the ability to influence weight gain and a double chin.
  • Genetics. If you have a family history of skin with little elasticity, you may be more likely to develop one yourself.
  • Posture. Years of poor posture can weaken the muscles of the neck and chin. Over time, this may contribute to a double chin as the surrounding skin loses its elasticity when the muscles are not used.

What Is Kybella?

Kybella is the only FDA-approved cosmetic injection used for the reduction of submental fat, commonly known as a double chin. The injection is a synthetic version of a molecule called deoxycholic acid, which naturally occurs in the body and assists in the breakdown and digestion of fat.

Before your Kybella treatment, your neck is cleaned with alcohol, and a topical anesthetic is administered to numb the area. A grid is then applied to the skin to ensure that you receive a precise treatment. Multiple small injections are placed beneath the chin, which begins destroying the fat cells.

Swelling beneath the chin is common, and most clients see improvement within one to two weeks. Over the next month, the body will remove the destroyed fat cells, making the neck slimmer and more contoured. While the number of injections varies from client to client, your skincare specialist will suggest a series of up to two to four treatments, spaced six to eight weeks apart.

Nonsurgical fat reduction is ideal for patients who have moderate submental fullness, good skin quality, and minimal laxity. Kybella injections are one of the most sought-after methods to eliminate unwanted fat beneath the chin. This fat reduction treatment is ideal since it’s minimally invasive and can destroy unwanted fat cells permanently. Other benefits of Kybella include:

  • No anesthesia or surgery required
  • Fast and efficient treatment
  • Younger and leaner appearance
  • Permanent solution

Reduce Your Chin Fat

If you’re ready to experience a contoured neck and reduce your chin fat, consider a Kybella treatment! This is one of the best-kept secrets in the health and beauty industry because these cosmetic injections dissolve fat cells in a much less painful manner than liposuction with minimal downtime!

We invite you to schedule a complimentary Kybella consultation at the National Laser Institute Medical Spa. One of our highly trained physicians or nurses will meet with you and develop a treatment plan to meet your skincare wants and desires.

To learn more about nonsurgical fat reduction with Kybella, please call 1-480-290-7333 or click here to schedule your no-obligation consultation with one of our certified professionals. As always, don’t forget to ask about our monthly specials for additional anti-aging services!