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The Halo Diaries Part I

The Halo Hybrid Fractional Laser is our newest service here at National Laser Institute Med Spa.   Our Client Services Rep, Kayla, experienced her first Halo treatment and we have documented it a three part vlog series.  Today, we bring you The Halo Diaries Part I.

The Halo Diaries Part I

Kayla Before

Kayla Before

Kayla would like to improve fine lines, pigmentation, and the overall texture and tone of her skin.  Halo will super charge the collagen beneath Kayla’s skin and will also address surface issues such as pore size, pigmentation and acne scarring.


Hilary measures Kayla’s face, which is a feature which makes the Halo Hybrid Fractional Laser unique.  The machine will actually measure Kayla’s face to determine the amount of energy needed to precisely match Kayla’s face.  

Hilary explains that if Kayla feels any pain or discomfort whatsoever, she can let Hilary know.  Hilary describes the treatment will feel warm, then it will start to build slightly, and it will feel hot when she is finished with that area.  

Hilary continues to disclose that for the next few days, Kayla’s skin is going to be red and swollen. “If you have an event coming up you will want to reschedule that,” says Hillary.   After the Halo treatment, Kayla can expect to have a sandpaper feel to her skin which is the desired resurfacing effect of the treatment.  She can also expect to see pigmentation that is lifted from her skin and looks like pepper.  “We call it a ‘paper and pepper effect,'” articulates Hilary.  Kayla will likely experience swelling, redness, sandpaper and peppering, and in about 5 days to a week she will be pretty much back to normal.  But with GORGEOUS skin!

Halo is the world’s first and only hybrid fractional laser.  It applies non-ablative and ablative wavelengths into the skin in a single pass to maximize results and diminish downtime.  The results are truly amazing: this may be one of the most effective anti aging treatments we offer here at National Laser Institute Med Spa!  

Stay tuned until next week for The Halo Diaries Part II.  We invite you to experience HALO Hybrid Fractional Laser at the National Laser Institute. Call 800.982.6817 or click here for your free consultation. Become a beauty insider and reserve your appointment now!