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5 Secrets To Stay Young

All beautiful things must end. Otherwise, they are not beautiful.  This philosophy may be true in nature – young wildflowers blooming and then over time wilting and dying come to mind.  But the idea that beauty diminishes as we age is not true.  No matter how much time passes, some never seem to age.  Continue reading as I reveal my 5 secrets on how you can stay young and beautiful!

5 Secrets To Stay Young

5 Secrets To Stay Young

  1. Laugh. I’ve never seen a smiling face that wasn’t beautiful.  Anyone who knows me will tell you I love to laugh.  Just watch a few of our Gossip Central videos and you’ll see it’s true!  Beauty is a light in the heart. Being beautiful on the inside will always resonate on the outside.  And laughing will help you stay young at heart.
  2. Strengthen & Stretch.  Yogi’s around the planet know strengthening and stretching keeps you young, and beautiful.  Have you ever gone into a yoga class and not witnessed beauty? This gentle form of exercise will keep your blood circulating, giving your skin that gorgeous glow.  You can practice yoga to correct muscle imbalances that can cause you slump and to create a beautiful, upright posture. I am inspired by ageless yogi’s.  The best part about yoga is the journey, and how it teaches you to love yourself and your body, right where you are at.
  3. Hydrate. Drinking water is one of the best things you can do to keep your skin looking young and glowing.  Drinking water allows nutrients to be delivered to your cells keeping them hydrated. Plump cells can make your skin look firmer.
  4. Cover Up.  Protection from sunburn is not the most important reason for covering up. You want to avoid damage from UV rays, which are present in the atmosphere even when the sun isn’t shining. Your skin can be harmed by constant UV exposure, whether or not you see a burn. Remember, sunburn is an instant reaction, but damage from UV rays occurs over a lifetime. Wear at least a 30 SPF daily.  
  5. Use Science.  The science behind medical aesthetics can extend physical beauty by decades.  You know this to be true when you meet a man or a woman who has invested in anti aging medicine.  They tell you their age and you are absolutely astounded that they are the age they claim to be.  Their skin is smooth, supple, and firm.  There is no sagging, drooping, or gathering of wrinkles.  They have the body of someone 20 years younger with firm muscles and a straight posture.  Visit the National Laser Institute Med Spa for BHRT, HCG, Botox and dermal fillers, IPL, Chemical Peel, and laser treatments.  

You can stay young by the choices you make to stay beautiful on the inside and the outside, no matter what your age.  We invite you to call us at 800-982-6817 or click here for your complimentary anti aging rejuvenation consultation at the National Laser Institute Med Spa.  We look forward to working together with you to achieve the common goal of beautifully ageless skin and to help you stay young.