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3 Reasons Kybella is Better Than Lipo

We’ve got the inside scoop on Kybella, the new FDA-approved non-invasive injectable chin fat reduction treatment. Until now the only way to reduce a double chin was through liposuction.  Here are 3 reasons why Kybella is better than lipo.

Kybella Patient Before and After

Kybella Patient Before and After


3 Reasons Why Kybella Is Better Than Lipo

1. It is Non-Invasive

The risks of invasive liposuction include necrotic tissue, uneven fat removal, infection, and hard lumps. With Kybella, you’re not going under the knife. Because Kybella is non-invasive there can be fewer complications. As with all cosmetic treatments, you want to choose the right doctor who has been expertly trained to administer Kybella injections.

2. It Requires No Downtime

Kybella treatments are administered through a series of injections – not surgery.  There is no need for anesthesia, no risk of open wounds, and little downtime. The injections will cause redness, inflammation, bruising, and possibly hardness.  You may see results as quickly as lipo, depending on the frequency and amount of Kybella you have injected.  According to the FDA, qualified patients will need a series of injections with 1 visit per month for up to 4 months.  Each treatment takes about 15 minutes. You can expect to see results in 2 to 4 treatments.

3. It May Cost Less

The average cost for chin liposuction is $2,500, not including additional surgery-related costs. The estimated cost for Kybella is $650 for 50 injections. However, you may need fewer injections, which may reduce the cost significantly.

If you or someone you know would like be one of the first people to experience Kybellathe revolutionary fat dissolving injectable, please call the National Laser Institute at 800.574.8377 or click here to schedule a free consultation.